Boy Scout Troop 82 is part of the Waapi Lenaswa District of the Rainbow Council in Morris Illinois.
The Mission of the Rainbow Council: "The aim of Scouting is simple: to deliver the Scout Oath and Promise to the youth of America." Our numerous programs and activities are all focused around the simple premise that giving the youth of our nation responsibility and the opportunity to serve, will create better citizens and leaders.
We are associated with the Waupecan Lodge #197 - Order of the Arrow also located in Morris, Illinois. The Order of the Arrow is "Scouting's Honor Society" whose primary duty always remains to their own Troop, which elected them in the first place as a result of their cheerful service to their fellow unit members. OA Lodge activities are intended to supplement, and not replace troop activities by assisting with events or activities throughout the District.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings ~ Weds 7p.m. - 8:30p.m. Interested scouts may drop by a meeting or preferebly contact our Scoutmaster at:Troop 82's email for more information. |
Troop Meetings | ~ | Every Wednesday night, except the last Wednesday, which is the Patrol Leaders Conference (PLC). |
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Committee Meetings | ~ | Usually the first Monday of the month. (Unless it's a holiday, it will be the next day after, Tuesday) |